Wolfs Construction Home Remodeling and Home Restoration
Wolfs Construction Interior RemodelingInterior Remodeling
Wolfs Construction Exterior RemodelingExterior Remodeling
Wolfs Construction Basement RemodelingBasement Remodeling
Wolfs Construction Kitchen RemodelingKitchen Remodeling
Wolfs Construction Bathroom RemodelingBathroom Remodeling

Wolf's Construction

Wolfs Construction Contact

Wolf's Construction is an experienced full service home restoration and general contractor with over 30 years experience located in Oakdale NY. We specialize in home restoration projects and insurance claims, so it's all taken care of for you. Wolf's Construction has extensive knowledge and experience with kitchen remodeling, basement remodeling, bathroom remodeling and exterior home repairs. We do all the work ourselves and never use subcontractors. Which shows in our finished product. Our attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction is what sets us apart from our competition.
Wolfs Construction Wolf's Construction has 30 years experience with home restoration and insurance claims. Wolf's Construction will handle your insurance claims and adjustment along with your restoration home project. Our knowledge and experience has helped us to secure all or most of the insurance money for our restoration homeowners.